Your Journey, Your Voice

Selecting Products for Black Skin

Current and Future Initiatives at WeSeeColor

In a world filled with haircare and skincare products marketed as “For Black Women,” have you ever found yourself standing in front of store shelves, feeling overwhelmed and uncertain? As a Black woman, have you experienced the disappointment of choosing products that didn’t truly understand your needs, where every purchase left you with more questions than answers? How many times have we stood there, products in hand, pondering their safety and whether they’ll truly work for us?

WeSeeColor has a clear mission: to rigorously evaluate each product, focusing on safety and efficacy specifically tailored for Black skin and hair, and build a product database for us. At the core of WeSeeColor is our commitment to rigorous research and cutting-edge science. Our dedicated lab delves deep into each product, scrutinizing its components for both safety and effectiveness on Black skin and hair.  No more assumptions; it is all about real testing and real results, and it was done by the community, for the community.

Together, we are building a database of products suitable for Black people, one ridden with commercial interests,  where every recommendation is a step toward healthier, happier skin and hair for all of us. Your participation is key to forging a future where companies and governments recognize and cater to our specific needs.  Our store is a platform for advocacy. We champion the need for more research and development tailored to Black skin and hair. By supporting products that are backed by science and rooted in understanding our specific needs, we are pushing the industry towards more inclusive and effective solutions.

If you are ever curious if a certain product is the right fit for you, or if you find yourself searching for something that truly reflects who you are, bring those products and concerns to our attention. The forms on this page are a quick and easy way for you to request that we evaluate a product or to share a product that is working for you. Just like that – Our platform is shaped by your voice, your concerns, and your needs.

NO selling involved, no commercial interest. We will just provide the information you need to make an informed decision.

Join the WeSeeColor movement.

Selecting Products for Black Skin

WeSeeColor Product Assessment

WeSeeColor assesses products based on the ingredients disclosed on product labels. Each product is given a score using a 5-point scale based on data availability / efficacy and the potential of the product or its ingredients to cause skin irritation and/or allergy.

Our assessment does not consider other medications you may be using or your specific health status. Therefore, if you have questions about using the product, please consult your physician before using it.

SAFETY (Risk of irritation/allergy) Color Code / (number for scale) Description
Very High Risk Red (1) Caution. Strong likelihood that this product may cause irritation and/or an allergic reaction. Seek medical attention if exposed.
High Risk Orange (2) This product may cause irritation and/or an allergic reaction. Be careful and consult your physician.
Moderate Risk Yellow (3) In certain situations, this product may cause irritation or an allergic reaction. Speak with your physician to learn more.
Low Risk Light Green (4) Generally safe. Product ingredients have low irritancy or allergy potential.
Very Low Risk Dark Green (5) Safe to use on most occasions. Product ingredients have negligible irritancy or allergy potential.
EFFICACY / DATA AVAILABILITY Color Code / (number for scale)Description
None Red (1)There is no data on this product or ingredients used by the Black community.
LimitedOrange (2)There is limited data on this product or ingredients used by the Black community.
FairYellow (3)There is some data or usage by the Black community.
GoodLight green (4)Product or its ingredients have been studied extensively or used extensively by the Black community.
RobustGreen (5)This product or its ingredients have been studied extensively, used extensively, and known by the Black community.